Lights! Camera! Mama!

Actress playing her best role yet… mama

Dreams & Reality!

Okay, so when I think about being a mom to a newborn, there’s what I want to happen… and well, what I know will happen.


Example “Dream” Day:

A) Baby sleeps wonderfully all night, I feed the baby, pack snacks and diaper bag, dress the child in an adorable outfit and find a way to get myself dressed head to toe.

B) Then perhaps it’s baby and mom yoga time! The child is happy, cooperative, and attentive!

C) After yoga, we meet up with one of my friends for lunch! The baby is nice and quiet, adorable to look at and not needy. Maybe the little sweet pea might be taking a nap in the stroller!

D) Then we might go somewhere relaxing for a bit and slowly make out way home!



A) The baby didn’t sleep all night, I look like a potato  wearing a wig, I feed the baby and in the process of burping I ruin my blouse that I knew I shouldn’t have been wearing yet. I throw some stuff into the diaper bag, probably not enough diapers, wipes or snacks, and  possibly temporarily lose my keys at the bottom. I dress the baby in an adorable outfit, just  to find out shortly that there was a major blow-out… luckily I have another outfit in the diaper bag, eh, not cute but it will do. I do get myself dressed, but it ain’t pretty!

B) Baby and mom yoga? Okay, that lasts 10 minutes 🙂 Won’t know if I can pull this off until I meet my child.

C) Hopefully I still have friends! If I am lucky enough to not scare them away, I will be honored to attempt lunch. Even if it’s quick coffee. Actually, I have awesome friends that I think will be amazing with my new addition. Oh yeah, that nap thing… probably won’t happen the way I want.

D) Yeah… enough with the outing, we are just going home.


No matter how much I want to plan my days and raising the baby…. there’s only so much I can do and plan for. I’m hoping I can keep it all together and make it work. Ultimately, I know that I’m on the baby’s schedule, so I have to be open and responsive to the needs of the baby first. Here’s to figuring out mommyhood as a working actress in Hollywood.



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Actress Mama!

Hollywood Photo